Monthly Archives: August 2009

Another Article About Shidduch Dating

Oy, how it hurts my neshama to think about all the pointless sex going on out there. Won’t people ever learn that mind-blowing orgasms with a rapid succession of attractive partners is not the way to achieve lasting happiness? From … Continue reading

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Jewish Press Limps Along

From The Jerusalem Post: Mark Joffe, executive editor and publisher for the Jewish Telegraph Agency, painted a bleaker picture. His organization services more than 90 client Jewish newspapers, and some have either folded, switched from a weekly to a monthly … Continue reading

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What Makes The Rabbinical Council Of California The Most Powerful Orthodox Institution In Town?

It’s the killer combination of Rabbi Gershon Bess — the savviest politician among the traditional Orthodox rabbinate in Los Angeles — and Rabbi Avrohom Union, a nasty street fighter who administers the RCC. In my mind, being skilled at politics … Continue reading

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The Seforim Blog And Tradition Magazine Part Ways

You can now find the Seforim blog at its old address. What happened? No explanation was offered in the Tradition announcement. Moshe Friedman posts: "My guess: some higher-up RCA rabbis actually read some of the things posted on the site … Continue reading

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Choosing Public School Over Homelessness

Mayer Fertig writes: After years of talk about a tuition crisis, many families that scrimped and sacrificed to send children to yeshiva in the past have hit a financial wall. “Many children will end up in public school as a … Continue reading

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