Monthly Archives: July 2009

Obama’s Health Care Fiasco

DENNIS PRAGER said on his radio show today: The American healthcare system works. The president talks about how we spend the most and we have the least effective results. We don’t. We have the best healthcare in the world. If … Continue reading

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Single Women Preferring Dogs To Men

I’ve noticed a lot of otherwise hot chicks are so into taking care of animals that they are too much trouble to date. They have so many animals around that their place is filled with fleas. Or you ask them … Continue reading

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My Glamorous Day

I ran around to four CVS Pharmacies with these instructions: Please make sure to purchase the CVS Essential Plus Liquid Nutrition in Chocolate flavor, and make sure the expiration date on each six pack is at least November 2009. And … Continue reading

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How I Learned We Were Breaking Up

Novelist Diana Spechler wrote on her Facebook status update that she was reading an essay on this topic. That inspired me to these painful memories of relationships that came to unexpected endings: * It was a few minutes into the … Continue reading

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‘A Good Positive Ending’

"A good positive ending?" I repeated. "That makes rational sense, but emotionally, I don’t know any good positive endings. If something I like is ending, even if it is for a good reason, it gives me a heavy sense of … Continue reading

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