Monthly Archives: July 2009

Brooklyn Blogs Buzzing About Arrested Rabbis

From the New York Times: On a blog catering to young Syrian Jews in Brooklyn (where almost everyone has a blog), one comment seemed to crystallize the mix of puzzlement and dark humor emerging in some parts of their community … Continue reading

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The Strange Charedi Judaism Of Aish HaTorah

In his second lecture on Rav Elazar Shach, Dr. Marc B. Shapiro says: "His antipathy to kiruv (outreach) has nothing to do with his feelings for Chabad. What does it mean to do kiruv? It means to leave the yeshiva. … Continue reading

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Harvard Prof Skip Gates Upset Policeman Did Not Recognize Him

Dennis Prager said on his radio show today (first hour): The President made things worse by commenting on it. He should’ve said, I don’t have all the facts, and end it there. Nobody would criticize you. I strongly doubt the … Continue reading

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The Kosher History Of Coca Cola

Nachum Lamm posts: The most important part of the ingredients is "natural flavors," which is undefined. It doesn’t much matter if people knew Coke’s formula: There is one legal importer of coca leaves in the United States. It extracts the … Continue reading

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Halachic Man

R. Ira Bedzow’s recent book: Halakhic Man, Authentic Jew: Modern Expressions of Orthodox Thought from Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik and Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits. Shmuel posts on Hirhurim: Halachic Man is not the Rav’s attempt to formulate a systematic all encompasing … Continue reading

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