Monthly Archives: May 2009

Providing Moral Leadership To A Kid At A Chareidi Yeshiva

yeshivaboy: hey luke, i have a quick question, did you find out about the documentary hypothesis before or after your conversion YourMoralLeader: as a child YourMoralLeader: my dad has a phd in bible yeshivaboy: and you converted anyway YourMoralLeader: yep … Continue reading

Posted in Haredi, James kugel, Marc B. Shapiro, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, Personal, Rabbis | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Providing Moral Leadership To A Kid At A Chareidi Yeshiva

Christianity Broke With Judaism Over Conversions

Charlie Hall posts to Hirhurim: I don’t think it can be used as a halachic source for us (well, maybe for the leftmost part of the left wing?) but in the New Testament, Chapter 15 of Acts makes it quite … Continue reading

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Lipstick Muslim

She writes: I had never before lived that far from my childhood home in Alexandria, Virginia and now I was about to move cross country. I spent years trying to get my father’s blessings to move to Los Angeles so … Continue reading

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The Sapphic Secrets

I just watched the DVD Ha-Sodot aka The Secrets. It’s exquisite. The young females in it are so fine, so spiritually fine. The protagonist (played by Ania Bukstein) has a full bosom and a strict devotion to Orthodox Judaism. She … Continue reading

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Seeking God

At 6:10 pm, I leave the house carrying three books (two to return to the Los Angeles Public Library, and one on Oscar Wilde by Richard Ellmann to read before class begins), my yoga mat and my blackberry. I get … Continue reading

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