Monthly Archives: April 2009

Stephen Steinlight Interview II

Part One Luke: "I’d like to toss a moral issue to you from out of left field just to hear the way you think a moral issue through. What interest, if any, does our society have in channeling the way … Continue reading

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My Three-Hour Interview With Intellectual Stephen Steinlight

Part Two JTA covered Stephen Steinlight’s latest controversy April 5: WASHINGTON (JTA) — The leading Jewish pro-immigration group is attempting to discredit its most outspoken opponent in the Jewish community by attempting to link his employer to a white nationalist. … Continue reading

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Newsweek Says, Dance, Jews, Dance!

Steven I. Weiss writes: The very idea of a "most influential rabbis" list is of questionable value in the first place. But Newsweek does seemingly everything in its power to make sure we all get the joke. For starters, it’s … Continue reading

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A Q&A With Tom Lange At EmpowerTech

I email Tom and he replies: * Are there particular jobs blind people are best suited for? Tom Lange: Well, let’s put it this way. There are jobs that obviously require vision and you wouldn’t want a blind guy performing … Continue reading

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How Come None Of The Great Moral Leaders Were For Same-Sex Marriage?

Dennis Prager said on his radio show last week: "If there is no difference between a man marrying a man and a man marrying a woman, then there is no ultimate difference between man and woman. That’s what we’re fighting … Continue reading

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