Daily Archives: February 27, 2009

What Kind Of Life Do You Want?

Penelope Trunk blogs: "I am a writer, but I love sex more than I love writing. And I am not getting paid for sex. In fact, as you might imagine, my sex life is really tanking right now. But I … Continue reading

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Two New Philip Roth Novels

The New York Times reports: Fifty years after Neil Klugman first held Brenda Patimkin’s glasses in Philip Roth’s first book, “Goodbye, Columbus,” Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has announced that it will release Mr. Roth’s 30th and 31st books, the publisher said … Continue reading

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The Week In Jewish News

Steven I. Weiss reports: Rabbi Gil Student posts: R. Yaakov Klass discusses the "Real Tough Times": Jewish Press I, Jewish Press II Rebbetzin Jungreis talks about how we should cope with the economic crisis: Jewish Press I, Jewish Press II … Continue reading

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