Daily Archives: December 20, 2008

Torah Portion Vayeishev (Genesis 37-41) II

Click here to watch my discussion with Joey Kurtzman:

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Torah Portion Vayeishev (Genesis 37-41)

Click here to watch my discussion with Joey Kurtzman:

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Modern Orthodox Ramaz School Ripped Off By Bernie Madoff

Ramaz leaders email their supporters: Dear Ramaz Family,   Earlier this week, we sent out a brief message to quickly reassure all those in the Ramaz family that, though Ramaz has exposure resulting from the alleged fraud committed by Bernard … Continue reading

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Conservative Leader Paul Weyrich Dies

Over the past six years, Weyrich formed an unlikely friendship with Jewish journalist Evan Gahr. Evan emails about the Nation piece on Weyrich’s passing: "This was posted on a Nation blog by Max Blumenthal who usually does excellent reporting about … Continue reading

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