Monthly Archives: December 2008

Change The Senate To ‘House of Lords’

Charles Krauthammer said on Fox News today that that is what it has become with inherited seats. Joe Biden is having a seatwarmer for two years before turning it over to his son (who’s in Iraq for two years). Now … Continue reading

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Bernie Madoff Scandal

Joe emails: This is what is known as a complete unmitigated disaster. The lawyers are gearing up for battle to find out who Madoff gave money to while he was on the verge of collapse, but that is hardly the … Continue reading

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Even Football Has Gone Postmodern

Greg Easterbrook writes: Postmodern Play of the Week: Leading 7-3, Dallas reached first-and-goal on the Jersey/A 1. The Cowboys came out in the shotgun formation, four-wide.

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Support Stockings?

For my plantar fasciatis (since the summer of 2000), I see a podiatrist outside of my Kaiser Permanente HMO. He’s fantastic. He’s mentioned in Shirley McLaine’s book. I see him today and he notes my feet are swollen (he calls … Continue reading

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Ramaz School Exposed To Bernie Madoff Scam

From the Ramaz Email List: Dear Ramaz Family, Late last week, we learned that Ramaz, through at least one of the funds in which it has endowment and other invested funds, has exposure to the alleged fraud committed by Bernard Madoff and … Continue reading

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