Monthly Archives: December 2008

Photoshopping The Woman Out Of Mishpacha Magazine

** Digitally Altered Photo by Mishpacha Magazine ** ** Original Photo ** Guess what Mishpacha changed? by Reb Akiva at Mystical Paths I enjoy Mishpacha magazine, the "Jewish Family Weekly" for the orthodox Jewish community (published out of Israel). Actually, … Continue reading

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The Budget Crisis Facing the LAUSD is a Red Herring

Rabbi Nachum Shifren ( emails: There are some things that people refuse to speak, even if they are true. We live in a culture that is so ingrained with "cultural sensitivities" that some issues may not, cannot, be discussed for … Continue reading

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Failed Messiah On A Tear

Failed Messiah reports: I broke this story a month ago and then added to Monday night. The JTA’s report is clearly based on these two posts. The JTA skips all mention of the involvement of Chabad’s national prison outreach organization, … Continue reading

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The Trillion Dollar Meltdown

Remember the Spring of 2007? Everything was great with the economy. Consumer spending was strong. The credit markets looked strong. Sure, the real estate bubble had burst. I am reading this 2008 book by Charles Morris, "The Trillion Dollar Meltdown: … Continue reading

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Holy Dazed

Steven I. Weiss writes: You can learn some really fascinating things when interviewing celebrities, comedians and New York media types about their Judaism. Holy Dazed, our series that combines these interviews into humorous vignettes, was just supposed to be funny, … Continue reading

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