Daily Archives: November 24, 2008

Israelis Ignore General Assembly Of Jewish Federations

From The Jerusalem Post: All but ignored by the Hebrew-speaking press as they gathered in Jerusalem this week, American Jewish professionals and activists have lashed out at the Israeli media and society for failing to notice – and learn from … Continue reading

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What Happy People Do

From the New York Times: Happy people spend a lot of time socializing, going to church and reading newspapers — but they don’t spend a lot of time watching television, a new study finds. That’s what unhappy people do. Although … Continue reading

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Jerusalem Festival Refuses To Screen A Film For Women Only

The director of this movie is a Chabadnik in Pico-Robertson. Matthew Wagner writes: The Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival has rejected a film created by Orthodox women after the film director demanded screening for female audiences only in accordance with Halacha. … Continue reading

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America Vs. Israel

I’m reading a terrific book by Danit Brown — Ask for a Convertible. Here’s an excerpt from page 35 (about a couple from Israel, he’s originally American, who’ve moved to Michigan): "Everyone’s so happy here," Efrat told him on their … Continue reading

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Do People Leave Orthodox Judaism Because Of Racism?

I’m skeptical of this claim. Sure, Orthodox Jews more than the less religious people I know, are apt to use racist expressions. Orthodox Jews, for instance, are far less likely to romanticize blacks and to imagine that they have a … Continue reading

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