Daily Archives: November 23, 2008

I Want To Be A Rebbe II

Ari writes to Hirhurim: I think this is a bit of a tempest in a teapot. There are some people who think that any mention of their group-identity is inherently offensive. That’s most of what I saw. There was nothing … Continue reading

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Molestation Cases Among Orthodox Jews

NEW YORK (AP) — It started as a radio program discussion about a taboo subject: child molestation among members of the insular world of Orthodox Jews. Since he broached the subject on his radio show this summer, says a state … Continue reading

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I’ve Had The Flu Since Tuesday

Here are my grades for the books, TV and movies I’ve consumed over the past five days: * Tell Me How This Ends: General David Petraeus and the Search for a Way Out of Iraq C. This was the most … Continue reading

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Is It OK To Have Affairs If You Need Them For Your Art?

Are writers accountable to a different moral code? As their art is so necessary, their perceptions so keen, perhaps they have to live up to a different Torah? Fred emails: I can see the dialog now: Dear, I have a … Continue reading

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