Monthly Archives: November 2008

Racist Foupes

Des emails: ""Foupe?" Is that anything like "faux pas?" You obviously learned nothing from when I punished your youthful sweet tooth by having you copy page after page out of the dictionary. I should have suck with my initial plan … Continue reading

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‘Towers of Gold: How One Jewish Immigrant Named Isaias Hellman Created California’

Here is the page for the book and here is the website for the author Frances Dinkelspiel. We did this interview a couple of weeks ago via email. I told Frances to only answer the questions she found interesting. … Continue reading

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Race and Sports

Listen to the whole thing here. Luke: "How do you feel race is covered by sportswriters?" Santa Rose Press Democrat sports columnist Lowell Cohn: "That’s the hardest question you’ve asked me. I know that African-American athletes feel that they are … Continue reading

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Gays Vs. Blacks

According to this thread, some gay protesters against the passage of Proposition 8 have been using the epithet "nigger." Blacks voted overwhelmingly to define marriage as between a man and a woman. Here’s more: (UPDATE Truth Wins Out’s Wayne Besen … Continue reading

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American Jewish University’s Celebration Of Jewish Books Festival

Sunday 9 a.m. I step outside and call my friend who’s supposed to be picking me up now. I leave a message. A minute later, he calls me back. "Your call just woke me up. Let me jump in the … Continue reading

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