Monthly Archives: November 2008

Jonathan Safran Foer At AJU’s Sunday Book Fair

Here’s an excerpt of my full report: Last discussion of the day is Rabbi Robert Wexler interviewing Jonathan Safran Foer. Joel Stein does the introduction in place of some chick on the side of the stage named Abby. (Listen) We … Continue reading

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I Get Three Pages In ‘Internet Babylon: Secrets, Scandals, and Shocks on the Information Superhighway’ (Paperback)

About once a year, I like to put my name into the search engine and see if any new books have mentioned me. I just found this 2004 book which gives me three pages. You can search through the … Continue reading

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Is The End Nigh?

Daniel Pipes writes: Ali ibn Abi-Talib, the seventh-century figure central to Shiite Islam, is said to have predicted when the world will end, columnist Amir Taheri points out. A "tall black man" commanding "the strongest army on earth" will take … Continue reading

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Creating God In Our Image

Through prose that is deeply poetic and critically compelling, in the latest issue of the Shofar journal, Professor Monica Osborne takes quite seriously the Talmudic assertion that “there is always another interpretation.” She writes about Alicia Striker’s new book, "For … Continue reading

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California Music Theatre Artistic Director Eckern Issues Apology For Supporting Prop 8

 The NJG:  BULLIES The NJG:  complete TOTAL bullies! The NJG:  that’s the Gay Agenda From Playbill: California Music Theatre and Sacramento Music Circus artistic director Scott Eckern has issued an apology regarding his financial contribution in support of California’s Proposition … Continue reading

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