Daily Archives: July 30, 2008

Dance Me To The End Of Love

Joe emails: I promised myself no more Gafni postings, but this one has a punch line almost as good as the shake my shakti one. OK, I admit, I have a Gafni addiction. If I could taste fullness for a … Continue reading

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Emancipation & Enlightenment

Here’s a partial transcript of sociologist Steven Cohen’s talk July 10, 2008: Steven: "If you want to understand people, you need to know two things about them. Who do they hang out with and what do they value?" He talks … Continue reading

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How To Tell If She’s Ready To Be Kissed

I find this the most nerve-wracking part of a relationship — the first kiss. If she rejects me, 95% of the time, that’s it. I’m just going to slink away. No being friends, I’ve got my pride! David DeAngelo writes: … Continue reading

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I Still Own The Number One Google Result For ‘Orit Arfa’

I got a vitriolic complaint the other day for writing too much about Orit Arta. Too much Orit Arfa, you gasp? That’s not possible. I agree with you, but this emailer claimed that the reason I was ragging on Harkham … Continue reading

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The Sickening John Edwards Story

From the UK: Ken Layne, editor of the Washington DC gossip site Wonkette.com, argues on AOL’s Political Machine that what he calls "the respectable press" is avoiding the Edwards story not just because the "unseemly" National Enquirer is the main … Continue reading

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