Daily Archives: May 9, 2008

Brooklyn D.A. Accused of Failing to Indict Cops Who Kill

Corrupt emails: Eliot Spitzer is not the only one to have pretended to be self righteous and prosecute others, only to be discovered years later to have been no so Kosher himself. forcing him to have to resign recently. Charles … Continue reading

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Daily Yid Exposed?

What is going on here? http://www.dailyyidden.blogspot.com/ This blog is now invite only and I did not get an invite. I don’t read Yiddish. It seems like Leah Kleim is exposing the Daily Yid as someone horrible. Leah says that if … Continue reading

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Jewish Code Of Silence Complicates Probe Into Jewish-On-Goyish Crown Heights Attack

From the New York Daily News: Long before the first rapper stopped snitching or any Mafiosi swore an oath of omertà, there was the Jewish law of mesira. The tenet that forbids Jews from informing on fellow Jews is one … Continue reading

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