When Is It OK For A Rabbi To Call A Lady A ‘Crack Whore’?

JewJew posts to the Jewish Journal forums:

There is NO EXCUSE for calling women sluts, whores and crack whores for the exclusive reason if a rabbi finds them not to be Jewish women. I am so disgusted at his language and disrespect and hope he moves far far away. I wonder how many others he turned away from Judaism over the years. I think those emails outweigh ANY good he has ever done. How many potential converts and their future families has he prevented from coming to Judaism? How many souls did he make suffer?

It’s like the mass murderer who people call ‘the nice guy.’ So what if he’s nice and done good things. If he does such bad ugly things it cancels out the good and he doesn’t deserve to have a place in the Jewish community or to speak on behalf of Judaism. I would never step foot in his home.

I always thought bigotry was one of the last pleasures still permitted to observant Jews. What’s the point of being Orthodox if you can’t sit around and call those outside the fold shiksas, shaygetzes and shvartzes (with a little "crack whore" thrown in)?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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