Daily Archives: February 20, 2008

The Triumph Of Orthodox Judaism

Rabbi Yitzhock Adlerstein writes for Cross-Currents: So the bottom line is that we are not so slowly taking over. We would be well advised not to cheer too loudly. First and foremost, our dramatic gains are not only a product … Continue reading

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Status Of Rubashkin’s Non-Glatt Meat

What is glatt kosher? Informally it means "super kosher." The background to this dispute is that the leaders of Orthodox Judaism in Los Angeles have done everything they can to prevent the sale of non-glatt meat. It’s all part of … Continue reading

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A Jewish View Of Islam

Monday morning at LimmudLA, I catch Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller’s lecture on "A Jewish perspective on the relationship between Judaism and Islam." The rabbi says it is important to dialogue with other religions but it was very difficult to dialogue with … Continue reading

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CANCELED: Demonstration Planned For RCC’s Banquet Sunday Night

This dinner has been rescheduled to March 30. According to the RCC press release: "The Rabbinical Council of California Cordially invites you to attend its Annual Trustees Dinner 18 Adar I, 5768 Sunday, February 24 Two Thousand and Eight Cocktails … Continue reading

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L.A. Limmud is latest incarnation

Sue Fishkoff writes for JTA: COSTA MESA, Calif. (JTA) — It was the Karlin-Stoliner rabbis in the Havdalah congo line that had everyone buzzing. Sure, there were great workshops, spirited davening, morning yoga and late-night shmoozing, and all the other … Continue reading

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