Daily Archives: February 13, 2008

After Landing My First SEO Client, I Made A Terrible Blooper

Sales closer Glenn J. Broder (JustAYesOrNoPlease.com) is my first client for search engine optimization. I was doing an interview with him this morning when things went terribly wrong. Check it out. Broder is a frum Jew from Baltimore. I snuck … Continue reading

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Is The Mortgage Crisis Good For The Jews?

A concerned L.A. mom emails: How will the Morgage meltdowns/housing downturn affect the Jews in our community? I have seen many many Jews in my community (Fairfax-La Brea) turn to the "equity" in their homes to pay for tuition, weddings…trips … Continue reading

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Who’s The New Head Of Shalhevet?

On Thursday, the school board approved offering Rabbi Elchanan Weinbach a contract. It will come as shock and awe to my faithful readers that when I reported months ago that Steve Bailey (Jerry Friedman’s man) was going to be the … Continue reading

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Help Luke Join The Cool Kids!

I want to snag a ride to and from LimmudLA this weekend. I posted on Limmud’s ride sharing board but got no response. Sometimes I fear that I’ve lost my mojo. In my desperation, I’m making this one time offer … Continue reading

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