Monthly Archives: February 2008

Jewish Women Complain About Pressure To Reproduce

Tamar Fox writes for Jewcy: No Babies: until I’m good and ready. And any rabbi who disagrees can stick it where the sun don’t shine There has been a lot of talk recently about women in the Jewish community feeling … Continue reading

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Should Orthodox Synagogues Promote Gambling?

My trusty source Morris emails: "Once again, an RCC rabbi, Rabbi Nochum Kosofsky is promoting gambling through his shul Shaarei Tefila. Should we be relying on the hashgacha from the RCC? Rabbi Kosofski is listed as an officer of the … Continue reading

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Pico Blvd Kosher Restaurant Mamash Closing?

I hear the new Mamash fusion restaurant may close in the next  few weeks. Did you hear why Brooklyn Pizza no longer is certified by the RCC? Four times the non-jewish owner documented on videotape the mashgiach stealing from him … Continue reading

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What Campus Rape Crisis?

Heather Mac Donald writes for the LA Times: It’s a lonely job, working the phones at a college rape crisis center. Day after day, you wait for the casualties to show up from the alleged campus rape epidemic — but … Continue reading

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We All Love Gossip, But…

Chaim Amalek writes: The American people are sophisticated enough to appreciate that high status men like presidents, senators, governors and Hollywood producers all have options for sexual infidelity that are not available to those of us forced to make do … Continue reading

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