Monthly Archives: February 2008

Ten Who Could’ve Been Great

From Esquire: If New England wins the Super Bowl, they complete football’s longest undefeated season, earn their fourth title in seven years, and ensure they will be remembered until the sun implodes or soccer catches on in America, whichever comes … Continue reading

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Almost 600 People Have Signed Up For LimmudLA

Here’s a list of the presenters from Israeli-Palestinian Comedy Tour Israel Bio and sessions Avi Abelow Efrat, Israel Bio and sessions Aaron Alexander Los Angeles, CA Bio and sessions Ari Applbaum Boston, MA Bio and sessions Judy Aronson Los … Continue reading

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Shalhevet Parts Ways With Executive Director Ken Milman

I hear it was primarily a cost-cutting move. A source says: "You might want to check your sources. I hear he quit because Jerry was going behind his back on budgetary issues. Jerry does not pay his salary . Roland … Continue reading

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‘Chabad Is The Wallmart Of Judaism’

Friends tell me that when Chabad moves into a small Jewish community, they suck up the available funds (Jews prefer to give to Jews who look like authentic Jews), weaken existing communities, but often fail to create communities of their … Continue reading

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Murder/Suicide On LA’s ‘Holiest Street’

The LAT reports: "Park La Brea: A white man and a white woman, approximately in their 60s, were found dead inside their home at 200 S. Detroit St. in the Park La Brea area at about 11:23 a.m. Saturday, Feb. … Continue reading

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