I Love Brad Greenberg

Whenever I worry about letting someone in my life, I just send them to Brad A. Greenberg’s profile of me in the Aug. 3, 2007 Jewish Journal. It is very economical. Most women are scared away. The rest I visit at the asylum.

Evan Gahr writes: "Far from scaring off chicks this piece is likely to make them more inclined to act upon any star f***er tendencies they already have. The piece makes you look like a celebrity journalist. Or at least a celebrated journalist. Sending prospective concubines to your Wikipedia entry might help also."

Yeah, well, it didn’t work that way. No woman approached me after that article and several I was going to date freaked out and ran away.

It used to be that a big play in the media could guarantee some fleeting happiness for Your Moral Leader. Times have changed.

This article shook me up more than the others — even the vicious ones — because this was a Jewish paper in my hometown and everyone in shul reads it. What they found in the article did not thrill them. It did not make them want to give me their daughters in marriage. I didn’t even get a Shabbos meal invite out of it. At least I got that when I was named Hustler magazine’s Asshole of the month in 1999 Holiday issue.

As for the Wikipedia entry, that doesn’t do more any favors either. One word why: Ruff!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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