Daily Archives: January 24, 2008

LimmudLA Executive Director Ruthie Rotenberg

David Suissa writes: Ruthie Rotenberg couldn’t make up her mind. She had to choose between two amazing jobs. One was connected to the future of Jewish education in America; the other could potentially re-energize the Los Angeles Jewish community. In … Continue reading

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Your Moral Leader’s Lurid Midnight Confessions

Click here. I really have to work on my lighting in addition to my character. Couldn’t fall asleep until after 5 a.m. today. Khunrum emails: Luke: You seemed to become more unhinged with each new hovel-side chat. I can understand … Continue reading

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No Gay Partners At Yeshiva Of Flatbush Reunions

Tamar Fox writes: Last week both the Forward and the Jewish Week reported on a scandal at Yeshiva of Flatbush, a prestigious Modern Orthodox school. In December the school hosted a ten-year reunion for the class of 1997, but openly … Continue reading

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Jews In Porn

Tamar Fox writes: There is simply no justification for pornography in any facet of the Jewishly engaged world. No one is saying it’s okay. Of course, that hasn’t kept Jews out of the business. Ron Jeremy and Nina Hartley are … Continue reading

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Gran Salida

Mickey Kaus writes: Since the fall, L.A.’s Unified School District has canceled plans to build 19 new schools and additions because the projected students haven’t materialized. Enrollment is down 7 percent from 2003. The L.A. Times doesn’t even mention a … Continue reading

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