Daily Archives: January 13, 2008

Rabbi slams use of hyphenated last names

From YNETnews: "A hyphenated last name for women undermines family values," head of the Zomet institute Rabbi Yisrael Rozen writes in an article to be published in the Shabbat Beshabbato leaflet this weekend. In his article, Rozen maintains that the … Continue reading

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Morey Levovitz Calls The Shots At Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy

The blunt blustery Levovitz resigned as the school board president after losing a parents vote on Harkham’s bylaws last Spring. But his people are still in place and Leovivitz still runs things behind the scenes. He has regular meetings with … Continue reading

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I’ve Been Feeling Pretty Gay Lately

I thought the problem with me was Air Supply and all-male davening but it’s soy. I eat a lot of soy, or more precisely, I drink a lot of soy milk. I must switch to rice milk or oat milk. … Continue reading

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Roland Arnall – The Godfather Of Subprime

From the Orange County Register: Established in 1979 by Roland Arnall, Long Beach Savings grew rapidly after Wall Street opened the credit tap. It moved to Orange in 1991 and gave up its banking license in 1994, converting to a … Continue reading

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Lender Lobbying Blitz Abetted Mortgage Crisis

Glenn R. Simpson writes: During the housing boom, the subprime industry succeeded at more than just writing mortgages. It also shot down efforts by some states to curtail risky lending to borrowers with spotty credit. Ameriquest Mortgage Co., until recently … Continue reading

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