Daily Archives: January 12, 2008

The Gawker Job Interview

From the New York Times: The following is an instant-message exchange between Nick Denton, the owner of Gawker Media, and Richard Morgan, who was eventually hired as a reporter at Mr. Denton’s flagship Gawker.com, but who quit earlier this month, … Continue reading

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THEY KNEW THEY WERE RIGHT: The Rise of the Neocons by Jacob Heilbrunn

Timothy Noah writes for the New York Times: There’s no point denying it: neocons tend to be Jewish. There are plenty of prominent exceptions — William Bennett, the former education secretary, and Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the late United States senator, … Continue reading

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The Shabbat All My Dreams Came True

‘Nuff said.

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Powerful Jewish women verboten at Ms. Magazine

From Bloggish: Ms. Magazine — a feminist monthly founded by Jewish Gloria Steinem — won’t accept a display ad that celebrates the postion of women in the government of Israel. The ad (above), which features photos of the president of … Continue reading

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Eat & switch: Ex-mayor turns Larry David’s deli into an upscale, expensive, organic, goyish eatery

TabloidBaby writes: For years, Mort’s Deli was the gathering place in the heart of Pacific Palisades, California, where Sunset Boulevard meets the Pacific Ocean. You might know it as the deli that’s been featured often on HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm– … Continue reading

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