Daily Archives: January 8, 2008

Obama Is Like A Stripper, Hillary Is Like Your Wife

Greg Gutfeld had that comment on Red Eye last night (Fox News): So, while watching the debates over the weekend, I figured out why Obama is rising in popularity, and why Hilary is sinking like something that sinks. Obama doesn’t … Continue reading

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Some Brand-Name Bloggers Say Stress of Posting Is a Hazard to Their Health

Dan Fost writes for the NYT: Om Malik’s blog, GigaOm, regularly breaks news about the technology industry. Last week, the journalist turned blogger broke a big story about himself. Mr. Malik, 41, blogged that he had suffered a heart attack … Continue reading

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Obama Is Going To Be The Dems’ Nominee

A Jewish friend calls. "People born of babyboomer children like me grew up that we owe blacks and that any time a black person comes along, we should vote for them. We should give them a helping hand. We should … Continue reading

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Google Search Engine Myths Exposed

Google is like the Holy Grail of marketing on the web.  Rank well in Google and your profits are pretty much set. On January 9th, 2008, Jonathan Leger is releasing a new free report that completely obliterates the following myths … Continue reading

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Sprightly YouTube film reviewers Marcia Nasatir and Lorenzo Semple bill themselves as the Reel Geezers

Patrick Goldstein writes: WHEN was the last time you heard anyone get excited about a new film critic? That was my reaction when "Michael Clayton" director Tony Gilroy began raving to me about the review he’d seen on YouTube. "It … Continue reading

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