Daily Archives: December 20, 2007

Curtains For The Guilds?

From an LAT op/ed predicting the course of the WGA strike: By August 2008, the schism within the guilds is complete. The rank and file have gone to the mats in what they believe is a fundamental struggle for justice, … Continue reading

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Covering The Watchdogs

Dean Starkman writes: The business press has written about the mortgage crisis as a predatory-lender problem, a naïve borrower problem, a compromised rating-agency problem, an irresponsible debt-buyer problem, and, first and foremost, a problem manufactured on Wall Street, which fueled … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas

Evan Gahr emails: I wished Don Feder a Merry Christmas. He wrote back is it appropriate for one Jew to wish another a Merry Christmas. This is my response. Yeah, I think so. It’s a merry holiday. And it’s all … Continue reading

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Closing Your Website For The Sabbath

Ilan emails: Dear Jewish website owner, Keeping the Shabbat on your website is now possible. By using the "Shomer Shabes" system you can block access to parts of your website on Shabbat and Haggim, for example pages including donation links, … Continue reading

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Paul Johnson On Heroes

From Dennis Prager’s blog: Dennis talks to Paul Johnson, renown British historian and best-selling author. His new book is Heroes: From Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar to Churchill and de Gaulle. Dennis talks to Paul Croshaw, producer and director of … Continue reading

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