Daily Archives: December 15, 2007

My Twink Days Are Long Gone, And Old Age Looms

After I told my friend that my goal was to earn $30 a day (I’m currently at $5 a day) from Google AdSense, thus spake Amalek: "You aim so low in life.  The best thing that could happen to you … Continue reading

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Richard Perle Bio

James Traub writes in the NYT: Neoconservative foreign policy — which is to say bellicose nationalism crossed with an idealistic faith in America’s capacity to transform the world for the better — is dead. Iraq was its Frankenstein’s monster, and … Continue reading

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Opening Up Orthodox Judaism

Steve Lipman writes for The Jewish Week: In a small classroom across Broadway from Columbia University, Moshe is having a meltdown one recent afternoon. Moshe, in his late 20s, is reluctantly unburdening with his rabbi about his drinking problem. Depressed, … Continue reading

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Buddy, Can You Spare A Shekel

Steve Walz writes for the Jewish Press: Unemployment levels may be at their lowest levels in years in Israel, but would you believe that as the number of unemployed citizens decreases the number of people needing food packages and other … Continue reading

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Horrid Generation

Jason Maoz writes for the Jewish Press: Dennis Prager, the sometimes controversial, always thought-provoking radio host and syndicated columnist, wrote a column last week on the legacy the baby boom generation has bequeathed to younger Americans. “We live in the … Continue reading

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