Daily Archives: December 12, 2007

Esther on Auslander

Brad A. Greenberg writes: No, not that Esther. But Esther Kustanowitz does have a Web site called The Book of Esther. She also carries a ridiculous number of titles in Jewish journalism — senior editor for PresenTense, contributor to papers … Continue reading

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Murdered by Mumia

From Dennis Prager’s blog: Dennis talks to Maureen Faulkner, the widow of Police Officer Danny Faulkner and author of Murdered by Mumia:  A Life Sentence of Loss, Pain and Injustice. Pope condemns prophets of doom. And makes the same point Dennis … Continue reading

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Luke Ford’s Beauty Tips

Many people look to me for guidance on a range of issues from the moral to the aesthetic. With that in mind, here are some recent articles I’ve published on beauty: Acne Causes Acne Eradicate Acne – Fighting Acne Free … Continue reading

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The Pope condemns the climate change prophets of doom

I like this pope more than any pope in memory. Simon Caldwell writes: Pope Benedict XVI has launched a surprise attack on climate change prophets of doom, warning them that any solutions to global warming must be based on firm … Continue reading

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Who Hasn’t Gone To A Bar, Had A Few Drinks…

…picked up a woman, taken her home, had a lovely night, and woken up the next morning to discover she’s your sister. (From Fox’s Red Eye)

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