Paul Johnson On Heroes

From Dennis Prager’s blog:

Dennis talks to Paul Johnson, renown British historian and best-selling author. His new book is Heroes: From Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar to Churchill and de Gaulle.

Dennis talks to Paul Croshaw, producer and director of Baseball, Dennis, and the French, an autobiographical documentary of one man’s journey to maturity. Dennis is the Dennis of the title. Click the link above to see a preview of the film and to get more information about it.

Dennis talks Cesar Millan, star of the hit National Geographic cable channel show "Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan." His new book is Be the Pack Leader: Use Cesar’s Way to Transform Your Dog . . . and Your Life.

Dennis talks to Stephen Baskerville, assistant professor of government at Patrick Henry College. His new book is Taken into Custody: The War Against Fatherhood, Marriage, and the Family.

Here’s Dennis’s column about why parents shouldn’t rush to tell their children "the truth" about Santa.

Putin – Person of the Year: Come on, it should have been Al Gore. He’s saving the planet single-handedly, for God’s sake!

Another one of these “kid arrested for having a knife” stories.  Whatever happened to saying to the kid, “not a good idea bringing a sharp steak knife to school, Junior. Don’t do it again.”

What? We’ll beat with a feather? This like a Monty Python skit only it’s real life. It gets worse. Democrats like Chris Dodd don’t want to indemify phone companies from law suits if they provide access to the government. What world are these people living in?

The gentleman who raped, tortured and brutally murdered a little girl gets to live out the rest of his natural days as a ward of the state. Compassion for the murderer, none for the victim or her family. Now that’s what I call progress! Hey, maybe we’ll get to see the gentleman on TV one day. And he can tell us all about himself and we can come to understand him better.  Because isn’t that what this is all about, trying  to understand the thinking of a person who takes another person’s life, so that we can learn to prevent such things from happening in the future?

Dennis talks to Ann Karpf, a sociologist and columnist for the Guardian. Her new book is The Human Voice: How This Extraordinary Instrument Reveals Essential Clues About Who We are.

Here’s the audio from Prager’s discussion with Stephen Baskerville.

Dennis: "It is one of the most angering things I’ve witnessed. His wife divorced him and took the children with her to Canada. Her family had money. His didn’t. He hasn’t seen his children since."

Stephen: "The parent who files for the divorce, most likely the mother, is the one most likely to get custody of the children. The courts have given an open invitation to mothers…to snatch the children and file for divorce. They will get the children, the home, his income, savings, and if he raises any objection, or refuses to comply, they can throw him in jail without trial."

About 90% of the time this happens to fathers rather than mothers, says Stephen.

Stephen: "There’s never been any debate about no-fault divorce, child custody, child support, domestic violence, child abuse.. These are cliches the media throw about and people assume that the men must be guilty of something if they’re accused… The courts of seizing control of men’s children and using them as weapons to plunder their fathers…"

Dennis: "These women are the villains. The courts are hit men. The women are the mafia."

Stephen: "I wouldn’t say women…"

Dennis: "I’d say women if 85% of the time the children are kidnapped by women, then the women are villains…"

Stephen: "It’s driven by feminism."

Dennis: "The courts can’t do a thing if the woman doesn’t want to rob the children from the father."

Stephen: "True."

"We have cases of mothers who are not only enticed to divorce but are ordered to divorce if they don’t want to lose custody of their children…"

"There is no evidence that the fatherhood crisis, 24 million children without fathers, is caused by fathers who don’t want to father. It’s caused by courts who take children away from fathers…"

"Follow the money. The father is usually the money-earner… If he wants to get his children back, he has to hire all sorts of cronies of the court. A huge entourage of hangers-on…who have a huge say in the appointment of judges."


The divorce regime is the most totalitarian institution ever to arise in the United States. Its operatives in the family courts and the social service agencies recognize no private sphere of life. "The power of family court judges is almost unlimited," according to Judge Robert Page of the New Jersey family court. "Social workers are perceived to have nearly unlimited power," a San Diego Grand Jury concludes. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Total immunity [enjoyed by social workers] is absolute power."

The divorce regime is responsible for much more than "ugly divorces," "nasty custody battles," and other clichés. It is the most serious perpetrator of human and constitutional rights violations in America today. Because it strikes the most basic institution of any civilization – the family – the divorce regime is a threat not only to social order but to civil freedom. It is also almost completely unopposed. No political party and no politicians question it. No journalists investigate it in any depth. A few attorneys have spoken out, but they are eventually suspended or disbarred. Some academics have written about it, but they soon stop. No human rights or civil liberties groups challenge it, and some positively support it. Very few "pro-family" lobbies question it. This is because the divorce regime operates through money, political power, and fear.

The divorce regime is much more serious than simply "unfairness" or "gender bias" against fathers in custody proceedings. It is the government’s machine for destroying the principal check on its power – the family – and criminalizing its main rival: fathers. The most basic human and constitutional rights are routinely violated in America’s family courts. The lives of children and parents are in serious danger once they are, as the phrase goes, taken into "custody." Systemic conflicts-of-interest among government and private officials charged with child custody, child support, child protection, and connected matters have created a witch hunt against plainly innocent citizens.

The terror of the divorce regime is not a future possibility; it is a present reality. The following methods are currently employed by family courts and other government agents. These practices are now widespread in America:

  • mass incarcerations without trial or charge
  • forced confessions
  • children forcibly separated from parents who are under no suspicion of legal wrongdoing and parents stripped of the care, custody, and companionship of their children without explanation
  • government agents entering the homes, demanding and examining private papers and personal effects, and seizing the property of citizens who are under no suspicion of legal wrongdoing
  • official court records, including hearing tapes and transcripts, doctored and falsified with the knowledge of court officials and evidence fabricated against the innocent
  • defendants denied the constitutional right to face their accusers
  • bureaucratic police authorized to issue subpoenas and arrest warrants against parents, with no hearing and contrary to due process of law
  • special courts created specifically to process parents for political offenses
  • forced labor facilities created specifically for parents
  • children instructed to hate their parents with the backing of government officials
  • children forced by government officials to act as informers against their parents
  • children abused and killed with the backing of government officials
  • knowingly false allegations, for which no evidence is presented, accepted as fact without proof, overturning the presumption of innocence, and not punished when demonstrated to be untrue
  • parents ordered by government officials to separate from their spouses, on pain of losing their children
  • parents forced to pay the private fees of court officials they have not hired and whose services they have not sought or used, on pain of incarceration
  • parents suspected of no legal wrongdoing punitively stripped of their property and income, sometimes at gunpoint, and reduced to penury
  • government officials using the mass media to vilify private American citizens, and political leaders using their offices as platforms to verbally attack private American citizens, who have no right of reply or opportunity to defend themselves
  • parents jailed without trial reportedly beaten, in at least one case fatally, and denied medical attention while in police custody.

I have made these charges in some of the most reputable publications in the English language. They have never been refuted. Yet neither have they been corrected or even addressed by public officials, the media, or academics.

This site will tell you the truth about the divorce regime. It contains virtually all my published works – over 70 articles – on the fatherhood crisis and the corruption of the divorce industry (except book reviews and radio commentaries). For better or worse, these are the most strongly worded writings to appear on this subject in mainstream publications.

I am heavily indebted for the many letters, stories, documents, clippings, studies, citations, books, e-mail communications, and telephone calls – collected and sent to me by hundreds, perhaps thousands of people. It is not possible to name all these people, and many prefer not to be named.

Stephen Baskerville
March 2007



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I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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