Daily Archives: December 6, 2007

Will there be Two Tribes of Israel Baseball in 2008?

From TabloidBaby: First Israel’s baseball dream was a reality. Then it was in shambles. Now there may be too much baseball ahead in 2008! In wake of this morning’s announcement that the Israel Professional Baseball League is moving forward to … Continue reading

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Nebraska: Not Starkweather, but close

From TabloidBaby: Today’s tragic news from Omaha takes us back to the story of Charles Starkweather, the 19-year-old psychopath who took his 14-year-old girlfriend Caril Ann Fugate on a killing spree 50 years ago this month. He’d kill 11 people, … Continue reading

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Yisroel Shapiro Arrested

Phil Jacobs writes: Yisroel Shapiro has been arrested and charged with two counts of sexual offense in the third degree, sexual offense in the fourth degree and battery. An arrest warrant was carried out by Baltimore City Police Department detectives … Continue reading

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Meet Elita Loresca – Sexiest Weather Babe In America

From ERSNews: Here in Los Angeles the use of “hot babes” to generate short-term ratings and bring in the “eyeballs” as the news executives like to call it is nothing new. The practice is as old as “live, local and … Continue reading

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