Monthly Archives: December 2007

Where’s the MSM’s Coverage Of John Edwards Love Child Scandal?

Mickey Kaus blogs for Slate about this: Still impressive, near-total lack of MSM pickup of the National Enquirer‘s Edwards scandal allegations.** My guess regarding MSM thinking is 1) Nobody wants to hurt Elizabeth Edwards and 2) Everybody figures that if … Continue reading

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A Light For Greytowers

Does anyone know anything about this new movie? It’s not on IMDB and there’s little information about it on the net. The director is a regular at Chabad shuls in Pico-Robertson. A Light for Greytowers: the Movie Is Premiering at … Continue reading

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Christmas Dinner With Lewis Fein At Pizza Station

Lewis picks me up. He drives a leased German luxury car with a navigation system — it’s I.G. Farben’s pace car — yet he lives in constant fear of destitution. He has no trust in the Almighty. He’s a secular … Continue reading

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I Need To Be Deprogrammed

My friend says: I’m off my meds. Just a little xanax. The Torah is my medicine. You need to be deprogrammed. You’ve been influenced by a false messiah (Dennis Prager), you have a van, you live among zealots and you … Continue reading

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Is Luke a Lonely Jew on Christmas?

I am often a lonely Jew on holidays, Jewish and goyish. It’s a reflection of my failure to develop meaningful relationships. I’m surrounded by beautiful people yet I starve. Holidays remind me of what an empty live I’ve constructed for … Continue reading

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