Monthly Archives: December 2007

Casting For President

Rob Long tells Mickey Kaus on BloggingHeadsTV about Barack Obama: "He’s not going to be that far left… People will say… He’s going to make me feel good about this country and the unity we need. I want to elect … Continue reading

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Flipping Out? The Impact of the ‘Year in Israel’

I read this new book by Shalom Z. Berger, Daniel Jacobson and Chaim I. Waxman. It’s a solid book. There are few surprises. It cites surveys that show that high school graduates who spend a year in Israel in yeshiva … Continue reading

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After Annapolis Thoughts About The Role Of American Orthodox Jews

By Rabbi Michael J. Broyde and Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein: The Annapolis Peace Conference has come and gone, and negotiations are really just beginning, some in private and some in public. And while differences of opinion abound within the Orthodox world, … Continue reading

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Haredim Sing ‘YMCA’ Rally For HD TV

"YES cable Israel takes advantage of the Haredi tendency to protest and uses it in an advertisement for HDTV."

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Chuck Hagel For President?

Mickey Kaus blogs: Reminder: Back in January, the courageously incoherent Sen. Chuck Hagel called the "surge" "the most dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country since Vietnam, if it’s carried out." He got lots of glowing coverage. But whatever the … Continue reading

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