Chuck Hagel For President?

Mickey Kaus blogs:

Reminder: Back in January, the courageously incoherent Sen. Chuck Hagel called the "surge"

"the most dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country since Vietnam, if it’s carried out."

He got lots of glowing coverage. But whatever the surge is, it isn’t that. … Why mention this? In case anyone feels an urge to draft MSM favorite Hagel for president on the Unity’08 ticket.

I talk Hollywood right-wingers with the expressive and strangely compelling Rob Long.

Hillary’s supposed to be the experienced one who can handle foreign policy crises. Yet in the current campaign it’s Hillary who seems panicked and Obama who projects calm. Just saying. … Maybe this is how "running for president [became] a qualification for being President."

Sell your studio stock: The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers has hired Chris Lehane, according to Hollywood-writers-strike-must-read Nikki Finke. The producers’ group apparently wants "to take a more aggressive approach in its public relations" (LAT‘s words). Lehane is the counterproductive overspinner whose "aggressive" approach made Al Gore, John Kerry and then Wes Clark president. He also helped California Gov. Gray Davis establish his political legacy in his recall contest against fading action star Arnold Schwarzenegger.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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