Monthly Archives: December 2007

Dump The CIA?

From Dennis Prager’s blog: Dennis talks to Christopher Hitchens about his latest piece in Slate. The CIA’s record is so undistinguished and so counter-productive, Hitchen contends, that the time has come to scrap and start over. Mark Taylor talks to Kinglsey … Continue reading

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In Politics Values Matter, Not Theology

Dennis Prager writes: There are some Americans — presumed usually to be evangelical Christians — for whom voting for a Mormon for president of the United States is difficult, if not impossible. While I will try to show these voters … Continue reading

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Conversion To Judaism For Marriage

Rabbi Gil Student writes: R. Gedalia Dov Schwartz recently reached the milestone of serving as the Av Beth Din of Chicago for 20 years. The Chicago Rabbinical Council published a book in honor of this event titled Sha’arei Gedula (link, … Continue reading

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National Review Endorses Mitt Romney

From National Review: Many conservatives are finding it difficult to pick a presidential candidate. Each of the men running for the Republican nomination has strengths, and none has everything — all the traits, all the positions — we are looking … Continue reading

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Let’s Hope Mayor V Stays Away From This News Hottie

MayorSam posts: Yes, like the Westside White Guy, I’ve posted some girly pictures. There’s a new anchor-babe in town, in fact she was voted the "sexiest newscaster of 2006" in an FHM Magazine reader poll. Elita Loresca is the new … Continue reading

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