Dating Advice From My Mom

She emails from Australia:

Get a nice hair cut and a new outfit. Be nice when you ditch the old ones, they talk to each other.

Don’t you find your friends in the same boat? I think young women want to get married less and less? I read a Japanese article on the BBC News some time ago. Japanese girls are buying pets and marrying later, if at all. I am just finalizing my assignment on the history of the stigma of illegitimacy in Australia. The things we have to read about family and marriage and divorce and de facto relationships show how things have changed. I found it depressing (mainly the way single mothers have been treated). We thought things were way out in the 60s, but more children were born out of wedlock in the 1930s. Do you still read history?

The sea is presentely a churning fury, the first cyclone for years here (stage 2 only), will have lasted three or four days by the time it’s over.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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