Monthly Archives: August 2007

Rob Eshman’s Dialogue With Rabbi David Wolpe

It’s my first time at Friday Night Live in 15 months. I had vowed I’d stop going upon turning 40 (May 28, 2006). This was my second time back. "Could I see some ID?" asks a young friend. I ask … Continue reading

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Tabloid Baby Vs. TMZ

I email Burt Kearns, author of the book Tabloid Baby and the blog by the same name: "Why are you always beating up on TMZ? Isn’t it similar to the tabloid TV you pioneered?" Burt responds: I’d start by saying … Continue reading

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Outreach To Judaism

I just got a package of materials from my father (printouts from with this note: Dear Luke, Hope all is well with you – health and all things else. If you ever get a chance to look at this, … Continue reading

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I Want A Moratorium On ‘Debunking Stereotypes’ Stories

From today’s Jewish Journal: Woody Allen’s oft-told joke about the paucity of Jewish sports heroes reinforces stereotypes going back centuries. A noteworthy example comes from sociologist Edward Ross, a Protestant, who about 100 years ago had this to say about … Continue reading

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Wandering In A Sexual Desert

I hate it when women use my religion against me when I try to fulfill my biological (if immoral) imperatives. Just this week a completely secular Jewess repeatedly lambasted me as a pervert (because I asked her to toss her … Continue reading

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