Monthly Archives: July 2007

Mayor On Leno

Jay Leno said July 12: "Boy, there are a lot of sex scandals in the news this week. It’s unbelievable. Our own mayor here in Los Angeles has admitted to having an affair with a very young, very attractive reporter … Continue reading

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Mayor’s Trouble Over Or Is It The Eye Of The Storm?

From a post to Mayor Sam: It is the eye of the storm. Antonio lied when he stated that he never had any other affairs. We all know this is not true, especially the press. Reporters are just lining up … Continue reading

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Mayor Sam blogs: Back in 2003 Councilman Nick Pacheco was challenged by former State Assembly Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa who two years earlier lost the election for Mayor to Jim Hahn. You may remember that when elected to the City Council … Continue reading

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I’m rereading  the book "Intellectuals" by Paul Johnson. Actually, I’m listening to it on tape. I see myself in the giant flaws of the protagonists, particularly in this description of Simone de Bouvoir’s relationship with Jean Paul Sartre. "She was … Continue reading

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The Return Of My Snake Nightmares

During 1988-1992 (for most of that time I lived with my parents in Newcastle, CA), I was afflicted by nightmares about snakes. I would have ordinary dreams and then snakes would enter into them and chase  me. I could never … Continue reading

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