Daily Archives: July 19, 2007

Why Does Jim Romenesko Refuse To Report The Nikki Finke – Jacob Bernstein Dust-Up?

Romenesko has the most-read journalism blog yet he refuses to report this story. Why? I’ve emailed him twice about this but he won’t reply to me. I suspect that the reason for the omission is that Romenesko despises both blogs … Continue reading

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Villaraigosa Down The List Of Hillary’s Mayors Council

It was pointed out to me today by a professional journalist that Antonio is ninth out of twelve on Hillary Clinton’s mayors council, listed below the mayor of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Hillary must be seeking as much distance as possible … Continue reading

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ERSNews.com Rocks

I am jealous of the stories this guy Eric Longabardi has up his sleeve, including on the mayor and his security detail girl. Eric’s an old school investigative reporter who does ERSNews.com in his spare time. He also works with … Continue reading

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Why Doesn’t The News Media Camp Outside Of Mirthala Salinas’s Studio City Condo?

Because she’s a fellow reporter. If she were a city councilwoman or actress, they’d camp outside of her place and stick cameras in her face everywhere she went. But the news media doesn’t report on other media entities with aggression … Continue reading

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Religion Vs. Journalism

Joseph Mailander blogs: Times to Church: Drop Dead. In case you missed it, the Church has been bad in recent years. High hypocrisy marks to the LA Times and media in general continuing to ride the molestation juggernaut even on … Continue reading

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