Daily Archives: July 1, 2007

Spoiling For A Fight: The Rise Of Eliot Spitzer

I just read this book by Brooke A. Masters and I don’t have a clue whether or not Spitzer is good for America. I can’t say I recommend the book. It’s awfully dull. I don’t understand why it got such … Continue reading

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Pico-Robertson’s Shtibl Minyan

David Suissa writes: For one thing, everyone chips in on everything. And I mean everything — they take turns leading the prayers, reading from the Torah, making commentaries on the Torah portion of the week and, of course, setting up … Continue reading

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Monty Python’s Guide To Prayer

"Let us praise God. Oh Lord, oooh you are so big. So absolutely huge. Gosh, we’re all really impressed down here I can tell you. Forgive us, O Lord, for this dreadful toadying and barefaced flattery. But you are so … Continue reading

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‘Corrupt and Insane’

Yisroel Pensack writes in to JewishSF.com: Israel is transferring hundreds of millions of dollars to support Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah "government" after Hamas seized control of Gaza as Israel’s reward for its withdrawal there. The June 24 New York Times quotes … Continue reading

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Sometimes I Fear I’m Headed In The Wrong Direction

In the past 44 hours, I’ve received one phone call. It was Saturday night and it was from Ugly George.

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