Daily Archives: July 22, 2007

Eric Longabardi On KABC Radio

Attractive latina Anita Moreno skipped the normal process to get on the mayor’s security detail, said Longabardi, presumably on the request of the mayor. It appears that the mayor wants the women on his security detail to be attractive and … Continue reading

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Hillel President Morey Levovitz’s Father Dies

Beth Jacob emails: "We regret to inform you of the death of Mr. Abe Levovitz, father of our member Morey Levovitz. The funeral will take place tomorrow, Monday, July 23nd at 12:30 pm at the Maimonidies school in Brookline, MA. … Continue reading

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Jewish Day Schools

Jane emails: Perhaps you should re-consider the subject of Jewish Day Schools. You’d written a while back on Etz Jacob, and Aron Abecassis. My understanding now is that Aron abandoned the struggling school, walked away, and left them with a … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Paradox

Harvard law professor Noah Feldman retains some Orthodox friends and some Orthodox feelings for Orthodox Judaism but he’s deeply hurt that his former Orthodox school won’t publish notices about him in their alumni newsletter since he married a non-Jew. For … Continue reading

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