Daily Archives: July 16, 2007

Los Angeles Spanish Language News Media Is A Joke

The primary point of my initial (Jan. 29) report on the mayor’s defunct marriage was to highlight L.A.’s lazy news media (particularly The Los Angeles Times). Now that the mayor’s scandal has broken wide open, which news media is the … Continue reading

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Eric Longabardi posts: ERSNews has learned that Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and his "girlfriend" Mirthala Salinas have secretly met since the scandal broke nearly two weeks ago. The most recent meeting taking place late last week. The meeting involved the Mayor … Continue reading

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Arch-Conservatives Vs. Arch-Liberals

A Google search for "arch-conservative" yields 168,000 results and arch-liberal 12,000. Dennis Prager claims that you never hear the term "arch-liberal."

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Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Watch: Mirthala Salinas and the New York Minute

From Flapsblog.com: Ana Garcia of KNBC Channnel 4 television will have a video report on the 11 PM PDT news that shows unprecedented and exclusive press access given by the Mayor to Mirthala Salinas when the Mayor traveled to New … Continue reading

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Los Angeles Jewish News

* The latest issue of Jewish Community Foundation magazine profiles Aron Abecassis, real estate magnet and Etz Jacob philanthropist. * Beth Jacob reacquired the lot at the corner of Doheny and Olympic that was lost during the financial crisis of … Continue reading

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