Monthly Archives: April 2007

The Rules For Infidelity

The New York Times writes about this new book: Yet a Frenchman tells Ms. Druckerman that ‚Äúhe had dropped out of therapy soon after meeting the woman who became his mistress, since he was finally happy.‚Äù One Orthodox rabbi ponders … Continue reading

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‘When You Do A Good Deed, Do It In A Way That Makes Your Jewishness Recognizable’

That’s Rabbi Joseph Telushkin’s advice in his new book A Code of Jewish Ethics. He mentions Jews campaigning for civil rights for blacks in the 1960s and how groovy it was that some of them wore yarmulkes, which Reform Rabbi … Continue reading

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‘Who’s Going To Fund The Real Reporting?’

Nick Gillespie writes on Few political journalists command as much respect, admiration, and recognition among their peers as Jonathan Rauch, a senior writer and columnist for National Journal magazine in Washington, a correspondent for The Atlantic Monthly, and a … Continue reading

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Shalhevet Financially Stretched

Sarah emails about the Modern Orthodox Los Angeles school: I get the sense that the conflict between opposing forces (Friedman and the people who are sick of him) is unresolved, and that it will countinue to play out over time … Continue reading

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Sleeping With Luke Ford

A shocking new video reveals all.

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