Daily Archives: April 24, 2007

What’s The Significance Of Saying Certain Prayers On Israeli Independence Day?

I got this email and I don’t understand the significance of saying hallel (psalms of praise) on Israeli Independence Day and whether or not you say hallel with a bracha (blessing). Does this have to do with belief (or lack … Continue reading

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Feeding The Homeless

Robert J. Avrech blogs: …Orthodox shul in my neighborhood hands out food to homeless people once a week. These unfortunate people are, for the most part, mentally ill. I see them wandering the streets of Pico-Robertson with their shopping carts, … Continue reading

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The Rules For Infidelity

The New York Times writes about this new book: Yet a Frenchman tells Ms. Druckerman that ‚Äúhe had dropped out of therapy soon after meeting the woman who became his mistress, since he was finally happy.‚Äù One Orthodox rabbi ponders … Continue reading

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