Daily Archives: April 13, 2007

ABC’s Terry Moran: Don’t Feel Sorry For Dukies

John Podhoretz writes on National Review: Terry Moran of ABC News has written a blog item entitled "Don’t Feel Too Sorry for the Dukies." As a compendium of fashionable attitudes toward the Duke case, it is incomparable. It’s instructive to … Continue reading

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Shaarey Zedek Has A Pulpit Star

Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg (45)?) has wowed most of his new shul in Valley Village (except for the right-wing). I talk to an Orthodox friend about going to Beth Am (Conservative). "Do they call it davening still or is it ‘communing … Continue reading

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Howard: No HIV-Positive Immigrants

From the AP: MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) – Prime Minister John Howard said Friday that people with HIV should not be allowed to migrate to Australia, and that the government was investigating whether it could tighten existing restrictions. The comments triggered … Continue reading

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