Daily Archives: April 16, 2007

An Obsession With Ethics

I fell in love with Judaism because Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin presented it to me (through their writings and lectures and media appearances) as a step-by-step system for making a better world. They said Judaism embodied ethical monotheism — … Continue reading

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Anglo-Jewish Literature Raises Its Voice

Professor Donald Weber writes on JBooks.com: Feeling uprooted in London almost 20 years ago, [Philip] Roth himself spoke harshly of his experience as a de-territorialized‚ Jewish writer-intellectual living half of each year in England. As he explained in a 1988 … Continue reading

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‘All Culture Is A Struggle With Oblivion’

"In an interview, Thomas Macho, the sociologist of culture, once described cultures as islands in the ocean of oblivion." (Religion and Cultural Memory by Jan Assmann, pg. 81)

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