Monthly Archives: May 2007

Shouldering ‘The White Man’s Burden’

I’m absorbed in A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Since 1900 by Andrew Roberts. From page 45: Of course, Australia was right to restrict immigration on some other grounds. A senior public health official was to argue for ‘the strict … Continue reading

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Yori Yanover’s Brief Affair With Prof. Jacob Neusner

Yori emails: A few years ago, during a conference on Lubavitch at Bar Ilan University, I went up to introduce myself to Prof. David Berger who was on the dais. Berger, a staunch opponent of Lubavitch, specifically for its perceived … Continue reading

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Samuel Heilman Wows The Geriatric Set

WESTWOOD: Dr. Heilman spoke to about 100 people (average age 50) at UCLA Wednesday night about the state of American Jewry (not so good). After reading Steven Weiss’s description of the man, I expected an ogre. Instead, I encountered someone … Continue reading

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Roseanne vs. the Rabbis

Daniel Treiman writes in the Forward: Rabbi Arthur Waskow had heard enough. The left-wing activist and Jewish Renewal rabbi was slated to face off via telephone with media personality Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on comedian Roseanne Barr’s radio show last week. … Continue reading

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The Pope’s Favorite Rabbi

From Time magazine: In choosing Neusner as his muse, Benedict selected a man as formidable and controversial in the field of Jewish studies as the Pope is in Catholicism. An expert on the sprawling literature of the 1st through 6th … Continue reading

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