Daily Archives: April 27, 2007

Simon Wiesenthal Center: ‘Fails to meet industry standards and performs well below most charities in its Cause’

The Charity Navigator gives it just one star out of four, well below the National Council of La Raza. Jay writes: “Just add the daughters-in-law salaries (under their maiden names) who are paid as: specialist. Specialist with no credentials… Do … Continue reading

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Aggressive People Get What They Want

In my childhood, my sister spoke out and she got what she wanted. My brother kept quiet and he got what he asked for (nothing). I was the youngest and I got a lot without needing to raise a fuss. … Continue reading

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Is Michael Chabon’s New Book Anti-Semitic?

Gawker.com reports: The New York Post thinks so! In today’s special Sunday edition of Page Six, we are told that his new novel, The Yiddish Policeman’s Union, "is bound to set off a firestorm of controversy." Why? Because Chabon "depicts … Continue reading

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Jewish Theological Seminary Ordaining Gay Rabbis

Michael Medved writes in the USA Today: Arnold Eisen, chancellor-elect of The Jewish Theological Seminary, declared: "The decision to ordain gay and lesbian clergy at JTS is in keeping with the longstanding commitment of the Jewish tradition to pluralism. Pluralism … Continue reading

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Nathan Englander’s New Novel

Mark Oppenheimer writes in the Forward about The Ministry of Special Cases: “The Ministry of Special Cases” is a provocative novel, deeply concerned with ideas, and it makes smooth use of history without feeling like a “historical novel,” the business … Continue reading

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