Category Archives: Judaism

All Defects Of Character

Alcoholic Anonymous started 72 years ago yesterday. Step Six of the Twelve Steps is: “We’re entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.” I’ve not been able to surrender to this step yet. I have too many … Continue reading

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The Road To Auschwitz

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist and many of the things I was taught from the pulpit lead directly to Auschwitz. Christians did not create Auschwitz (Nazism was profoundly anti-Christian) but without 1900 years of Christian hatred of Jews and … Continue reading

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The Mysteries Of Male Sexuality

In the Spring of 1999, Dennis Prager gave a series of four lectures on male sexuality at the University of Judaism. Here are some highlights: I talked to other guys and I realized I was in the normal range of … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: None Dare Call It Conservadox

Practically around the corner from where I live is a big old synagogue called Congregation Chevra Thilim that describes itself as “San Francisco’s oldest Orthodox congregation.” Chevra Thilim is currently undergoing a $1.6-million, months-long renovation, upgrade and expansion of its social hall building, which is … Continue reading

Posted in Chabad, Conservative Judaism, Conservatives, Dovid Eliezrie, Judaism, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, San Francisco, Synagogue, Torah, Yisroel Pensack | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Yisroel Pensack: None Dare Call It Conservadox

Marc B. Shapiro: If Christianity Isn’t Idolatry, Then What Is?

According to the chief rabbinate of Israel, Hinduism is not idolatry. Hindus see themselves as monotheist. They’re not monotheists by our Jewish standard. Hinduism has no doctrine of incarnation, of God becoming man. That’s the essence of Christianity and that’s … Continue reading

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