Category Archives: Alexander Technique

John F. Kennedy’s Bad Back

The new miniseries “The Kennedys” (available on instant streaming at Netflix) shows President John F. Kennedy struggling with a bad back. In episode four (10:36 in), he does a classic Alexander Technique exercise — semi supine aka active rest. He … Continue reading

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How I Discovered The Alexander Technique

September, 2010 “What’s the matter, Luke?” asks the hostess at the end of the meal. “You haven’t said anything inappropriate all meal? We even have two single women here.” I am at Shabbos lunch with friends. I’ve known them for … Continue reading

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Alexander Technique And The Actor

Alexander Technique and the actor. Part Two. The one Alexander Technique exercise — semi-supine. Part two. Alexander Technique directions. Alexander Technique and the emotions. Alexander Technique and the singer.

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I Can’t Remember When I Was Last In Pain

People all around me are suffering. They are doubled-up in pain because of their addictions to drugs, alcohol, debt, over-eating, sex, porn, and the like. I’m not immune to some of these things, but luckily my behavior and my finances … Continue reading

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Teaching Alexander Technique To Tattoo Artists

I was asked the other day to give a conclusion to an imaginary seminar I’d just delivered to tattoo artists on the Alexander Technique. “Thank you for coming,” I began. “I don’t think I’ve ever been around so many hardened … Continue reading

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