Category Archives: Alexander Technique

Can You Teach Yourself Alexander Technique?

In Australia in 1891, the actor F.M. Alexander developed such severe voice trouble that his career was threatened. According to the Alexander myth, F.M. could find no help so he eventually sat himself down in a room filled with mirrors … Continue reading

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Alexander Technique In The Bedroom

A lot of my students ask me if there’s anything Alexandrian they should do when they go to bed. Do I have some nifty moves to recommend? I’ve always said no. Enjoy. Go to sleep. Alexander Technique is about becoming … Continue reading

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Create The Life You Want

The San Francisco Bay Area’s most successful new Alexander Technique teacher is Amira Alvarez who headlines her website with the statement “Create the Life You Want”. At first I thought she committing Alexander heresy by marketing the benefits of the … Continue reading

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What Is Alexander Technique?

Beverly Hills Alexander Technique teacher Luke Ford talks to KXLU 88.9FM Los Angeles about the Alexander Technique. Many people define the Technique by what it does instead of what it is — a system for noticing how you respond to … Continue reading

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Is Alexander Technique BS?

Larry writes: “Luke’s Alexander method sounds like bull****, these folks should just do some TM and some yoga before seeing Luke.” You can do all the yoga and TM in the world and it is not going to help you … Continue reading

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